Alex Bondarev

Web Developer

Hello and welcome to my online resume. I am a web developer with 15 years of experience of building something for the web. Currently, I'm open to new career opportunities.

Created a couple of open-source projects for WordPress-related services/tools, like Alchemy Options, Kickbox add-on for Gravity Forms, Kickbox API Client for WordPress.

Created a few Docker images. Rewrote and maintain a browser extension that controls VK music from any browser tab, plan to update it to the next version.

Used to write posts in my personal blog, used to be more active in answering questions on StackOverflow.

Contribute to the Dictionary project of the Web Standards community (Russian-speaking) where I try to help translate technical terms and personal names into Russian. Have a good command of the English language (C1).

Professional experience

  1. Full-Stack Developer - (8 years, 11 months)


    • designed project vision for developers (architecture, concepts, tools)
    • automated data processing and sharing using serverless Node.js functions and queues
    • introduced interteam development concepts and other developer practices (Atomic Design, BEM, Twelve-Factor App)
    • extended areas of responsibility from front end to other spheres (back end, devops, developer environment)
    • designed a robust multi-server marketing infrastructure and continuous deployment pipelines (nginx, Redis, Linux, Azure DevOps, shell scripting)
    • led websites development (back end and front end)
    • transferred business logic from .NET to PHP
    • created and open-sourced a framework for storing various types of data for WordPress
    • improved page-load speed and other performance metrics
    • participated in internal educational meetups (FP, Big O notation, neural networks), delivered talks about React, BEM, i18n in CSS and others
    • conducted code reviews for internal and external developers
    • completed a plethora of tasks ranging from minor CSS tweaks to Single sign-on implementation
  2. Senior Front-end Developer - (8 months)

    Startup Labs

    • refactored legacy code
    • optimized page-load speed
    • coded valid standards compliant sites, SPAs and UI elements
    • did minor PHP tweaks (Twig template engine, WordPress)
  3. Front-end Developer - (9 months)

    Dizzain Inc

    • developed WordPress themes (approx. 5 projects of various complexity)
    • conducted code reviews
  4. Front-end Developer - (1 year, 1 month)


    • coded HTML templates from design mockups, approx. 50 projects, crazy :)
    • did some WordPress development



Tools and tech

(in no particular order)
  • Node.js
  • Azure DevOps
  • React
  • Bash
  • Git
  • SCSS, Postcss
  • Gulp, Webpack
  • Design tools
    • Illustrator
    • Photoshop
    • XD
    • Figma
  • Postman
  • Typescript
  • WordPress
  • Docker
  • Linux
  • Asana, Jira, Trello
  • PhpStorm
  • Prettier
  • Serverless
  • Webhooks


programming, vector graphics, graffiti, Harry Potter, pub quizes :)