
Thanks for wanting to know some more about me :)

As the sitename says my name’s Alex Bondarev (bet you can’t read that one). It’s Bon-da-rev )). I live in Minsk, Belarus (bet you don’t know where it is). It’s between Poland and Russia and between Ukraine and Lithuania. Yep – that’s Belarus. I love WordPress, front-end, vector graphics, coding methodologies and javascript. I like the following people and their blogs: Paul Irish, Harry Roberts, Chris Coyier, Tab Atkins, Nicolas Gallagher, Smashing Magazine, A List Apart and many others.

Currently I work as a Senior Front-end Dev at a belarusian branch of dotmailer and I have been in the front-end for nearly 5 years now.

Here is some brief info of my path towards today’s place.

  1. dotmailer (December 2013 – present)
  2. StartupLabs (May 2013 – December 2013)
  3. Dizzain (September 2012 – May 2013)
  4. Wemake (August 2011 – September 2012)
  5. Personal projects and freelance (2009 – present)

Before front-end and IT I used to be a linguist, I taught kinds some English for a couple of years and sometimes had an opportunity to interpret for OSCE observers.